
Five Conventional Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

From practising the 3Rs- reduce, reuse and recycle to planting trees, small changes in daily life can aid in shrinking carbon footprint, here is how



New Delhi: Climate change is a reality and it is happening faster than we would like or can cope with. The need of the hour is collective efforts to adopt corrective action with immediate effect. Everyone needs to take responsibility and act to make a difference. Every individual needs to assess their impact on the environment and how they can curtail their carbon footprint.

What is carbon footprint?
Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual, organisation or community at large.

How can an individual help in reducing carbon footprint?
It is said, ‘You reap what you sow’. Our regular activities like reckless use of plastic, non-reusable products, and many more, lead to carbon emissions. So an eco-friendly switch to lifestyle can help make a difference and help in reducing carbon footprint.

Here are 5 changes in daily life that can minimise carbon footprint.

1. Responsible Travelling
One of the easiest ways to reduce carbon footprint is through driving, or doing it less. Carpooling and opting for public transport is quite common and effective way to shrink carbon footprint. Even change in driving style can also serve the purpose. Aggressive driving which means speeding, unnecessary acceleration and frequently braking waste both gas and money and reduce mileage and increase carbon foot print.

2. Smart Lighting
The electric energy used to light up homes, schools, offices are generated from thermal power plants that combust fossil fuels to produce the energy, releasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Conserving energy, adopting energy efficient bulbs and electrical devices can all help in reducing carbon emissions but cutting down the energy demand.

3. Go Green
It won’t be wrong to say that trees and plants are natural air purifiers and source of oxygen. Planting more and more trees can help in purification of air and reduce the heat effect. Growing  vegetables and fruits in ones garden cans serve the dual purpose of providing fresh air along with fresh farm produce and if it organically grown then even better. Resolve to plant at least two trees a month.

Also Read: Goodbye Plastic, Hello Creativity: Five Easy Ways To Reuse Plastic Bottles

4. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Even as efforts should to reduce dependency on environmentally hazardous products like plastic should be made, the need of the hour is to inculcate the habit of reusing and recycling old plastic bottles, plastic bags, and so on. Purchasing upcycled or recycled products is  good way to cut carbon footprints.

5. Purchase And Consume Local Food
Are you someone who likes to eat mangoes year-round? While procuring mangoes in off season is so mean feat, it has an adverse impact on the environment. Transporting these from where it is available to where it s not has a huge cost in terms of carbon emissions. It is always advisable to opt for locally sourced and produced and preferably, organic food. It is healthy for the local economy and environment.

Also Read: Cook Smart, Eat Smarter: Five Easy Ways To Curb Food Wastage At Home

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