Diwali Special

Dealing With The Diwali Mess: 5 Cleanup Tips To Keep In Mind

Cleaning up your house post Diwali is a must and here are some handy tips for you to follow



Diwali, the much awaited festival of lights is here and the whole country is looking forward to these days of festivities. Diwali is celebrated across the country with much fervour and involves extensive festive activities, ranging from house decoration to cooking up of Diwali delicacies. The traditional rituals of Diwali involve cleaning up the house, decorating the house with rangoli, lighting up the house with diyas or lamps and cooking up a range of delicacies. Houses across India look their best on Diwali and a lot of effort goes into setting them up for the festive occasion.

Once the festival is over, we realise that continuous days of festivities have left the house in a mess. Crackers are also burst frequently across many households in India, and they leave a trail of mess. Scattered rangoli, waste paper bits, parts of burnt crackers and a messed up kitchen are all reminiscences of Diwali. Post-Diwali cleanups are tough, especially when it comes to curbing the festive spirit and taking a broom in your hands. Here are a few simple post-Diwali cleanup tips which will be useful for cleaning up your house, once the festivities are over.

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  1. Remove Unwanted Décor Items

Remove decor items used for Diwali

Diwali is the festival of decorating one’s house. Using coloured paper, ribbons and flowers have been traditions followed for years when it comes to Diwali decorations. Once the festival is over, begin the cleanup with removal of decorations. Dried flowers hanging from doors and windows, as well as ribbons and decorative materials made out of paper can be easily removed from the house. Diyas and rangoli are also on the list of items to be removed once the festival has ended. Removal of these items makes it easier to start with the rest of the house cleaning process.

2. Clean Up the Kitchen

Diwali delicacies leave the kitchen in a mess

Diwali is the festival of delicacies and the kitchen is in a busy and fervent festive mood days before the celebrations begin. The continuous cooking up of delicacies leaves the kitchen in a mess, with necessary items jumbled up. Re-arrange your kitchen shelves first, keeping all the items in their respective places. Once the rearrangement is done, begin with removal of stains from various parts of the kitchen. Gas stoves, especially must be cleaned properly as they are used frequently even when the festival is over. Wash all your festive crockery properly and keep them back where they belong for usage next year.

3. Cleanup Your Cupboards

Wash and put your newly bought clothes into the cupboard

What’s Diwali without new outfits, accessories and makeup? The festival of lights is accompanied by new clothes and the yearlong desire to look your best. It also means continuously opening your cupboard, trying out ample outfits and zeroing in on one. Messy cupboards are hallmark of the festive season. Once the D-Day is over, get back to rearranging your cupboard. Wash, iron and put back your best outfits back into the cupboard. Carefully rearrange your makeup kits and put them back you’re your cupboard closets.

4. Mop The House Clean

Use a mop and liquid cleaner to clean stains

Festive days of celebrations are hard on your house floor. Be it oil spills from diyas or colours from rangoli, floor stains are common and visible during Diwali. Cracker stains on rooftops are also common and must be gotten rid of. Use a liquid cleaner and a mop to clean your house. For stains which are slightly more difficult to remove, use household vinegar and water and rub till the stains go away. For the rest of the house, use a liquid cleaner and ample water to wipe the house clean and restore it to its pre-Diwali state.

5. Dispose the Cracker Remnants

Cracker remnants are dangerous and must be disposed properly

While the sale of crackers has been banned in Delhi-NCR following a Supreme Court order on October 9, the bursting of crackers is still legal. Whichever spot you choose to burst crackers in must be cleared of cracker remnants. Not only are cracker remnants hazardous for your health, but may contain residue of flammable material which may result in accidents. Gather all the firecracker remnants and segregate them separately. Wash the place thoroughly with water and use a liquid cleaner to ensure that no hazardous remnants remain.


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