POSHAN Maah 2020: Food And Nutrition Related COVID-19 Myths And Misinformation
The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world has been accompanied by an equally rapid spread of myths and misinformation. As India observes the month of September as Poshan Month or Nutrition Month, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and Neha Bakhsi, Assistant Professor Department of Food And Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, come together to bust some common nutrition related myths that have been circulating during the COVID-19 pandemic.Myth: You can contract COVID-19 from food items.
Fact: Ms Bakshi says that there are no such instances or studies to prove that you can catch COVID-19 through food. But it is important that we maintain hygiene and cleanliness when it comes to anything related to food items. And wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use.
Myth: Food items or the surfaces of food items that have COVID-19 fomites can cause coronavirus.
Fact: It's possible that coronavirus fomites could be present on the surface of food items. This is why it is important to take care of cleanliness. All the fruits or vegetables or packaged food brought home from outside should be disinfected or washed thoroughly.