LEED Zero recognises projects that have reached net zero or net positive status in the categories of carbon, energy, water, or waste
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस 2023 से पहले, NDTV-डेटॉल बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया की टीम ने इंडिया सैनिटेशन कोएलिशन एंड चेयर और रॉथ्सचाइल्ड एंड कंपनी इंडिया की चेयर नैना...
प्रिया मलिक, हेली शाह और अमनदीप सिंह सहित प्रमुख कवियों और कवयित्रियों ने भारत के थिंक टैंक काउंसिल ऑन एनर्जी, एनवायरनमेंट एंड वॉटर (CEEW) की अनूठी...
Ms Nakarmi was in her 20s when she read an article in a magazine about using corn husk to make decoratives for Christmas in the United...
The first-of-its-kind structures on the roadside near the Jammu bus stand are being constructed by Jammu Smart City Limited (JSCL), a special purpose vehicle constituted in...
The release also informed that the Union Health Ministry continues to monitor the cyclone situation closely and is taking all necessary measures to be prepared for...
According to experts, organic waste dumped in a landfill produces methane when it rots. In hot weather conditions, methane catches fire spontaneously and the blaze spreads...
The residents of Delhi's Sarvapriya Vihar formed a 'Green Team' to undertake solid waste management in their colony and reduce their carbon footprint
The ICG station at Vizhinjam also organised a human chain to raise awareness among the public to preserve the biologically-rich marine environment.
According to officials, modern agriculture relies heavily on application of various agrochemicals such as insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers on crops to meet the demand of food...
The UNEP Executive Director said that there is massive pollution, in particular in northern Indian cities like Delhi that are very polluted
More than thousand volunteers have joined together and over last 100 weeks slowly and steadfastly made a difference. Today thousands of people visit Carter Road every...