According to the tea association, insufficient rainfall and high temperatures have led to substantial wilting of tea bushes, signaling further crop losses in the upcoming months
India suffered repeated heatwaves in April and the early part of May, with the India Meteorological Department issuing numerous advisories and warnings to protect people’s health
The India Meteorological Department said the ongoing heatwave spell in east and south peninsular India will continue until May 6
The projections suggested that rising temperatures increase inflation all-year long in countries at low-latitudes, while in those at higher latitudes, inflation due to rising temperatures occurs...
Countries need to cut emissions by 28 per cent to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius and by 42 per cent to meet the 1.5...
If global temperatures increase by 2 C above pre-industrial levels, the 4 billion residents will annually experience many hours of heat that surpass human tolerance
The study, published recently in the journal Climatic Change, quantified the projected impacts of alternative levels of global warming upon the probability and length of severe...
The United in Science report states that the earth is inching closer to dangerous climate tipping points due to continuous rise in the atmosphere and world...
The research "Tipping Points: from climate crisis to positive transformation," shows that multiple climate tipping points could be triggered if global temperature rises beyond 1.5°C above...
Animals are losing earlier advantages for migration and faring much worse than their resident counterparts, the study has found
The estimates show that 37 per cent of all heat-related deaths in the recent summer periods were attributable to the warming of the planet due to...
‘Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the reduction of hunger and undernutrition,’ states a new study