#SwachhIndia Cleanathon Calls For A Swachh Zameen, Swachh Hawa And Swachh Pani
Published On: October 1, 2017 | Duration: 1 MIN, 33 SEC
Join Amitabh Bachchan, the brand ambassador of the NDTV-Dettol Banega Swachh India campaign, along with Chief Ministers from different states and celebrities in the 12-hour Cleanathon. This year, the fourth Cleanathon will see thousands come together for cleanup drives across India as part of the #Mere10Guz initiative, which calls for people to dedicate their time to cleanup 10 yards of their surroundings. This year's Cleanathon also widens the scope of #Mere10Guz initiative to include Swachh Zameen (land), Swachh Hawa (air), Swachh Pani (water). So the focus is not only on keeping areas clean but also making air and water bodies pollution free.