On the occasion of International Yoga Day, which is marked on June 21, Jitendra Thapliyal, Lead Yoga Teacher & Manager Utsav Yoga explains all about Yin...
International Yoga Day 2023: How can three pillars of #Yoga - Exercise, breathing and relaxation and meditation - help people with sedentary lifestyles? Arun Pandala, Yoga...
Do you want to make yoga a part of your routine? Sharan Khanna, a Multi-disciplinary Yoga teacher takes us through a set of postures, covering all...
"How I accepted the transition of my queer child from Ojjus to Ojjusvi Upadhyay" - on this Pride Month special, here's a personal account of a...
एनडीटीवी डेटॉल बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया ने माते की सह-संस्थापक प्रियंका रैना से, बेबी केयर ब्रांड बनाने और आत्म-देखभाल सुनिश्चित करने के साथ-साथ परिवार की देखभाल करने...
In conversation with Sharon Jacob, State Advocacy and Program Manager, Plan India, who explains us about climate resilient schools focus in India and how it will...
Abhishek Ruhela, District Magistrate, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand says, "Climate Resilient Schools in India can help reduce overall carbon footprint and students who study in climate resilient schools...
Ravi Bhatnagar, Director, External Affairs & Partnerships, SOA, Reckitt explains the concept of climate resilient schools from the land of Uttarakhand in India.
NDTV's Ambika Singh Kahma takes us through India's first climate resilient school, which is launched in Uttarkashi, by Dettol, where all the aspects of environment are...
As a Pride Month special, team Banega Swasth India speaks with 58-year-old Ashish Garg, a mother of a queer child to know about the Dos' and...
NDTV-डेटॉल बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया की टीम ने इंडिया सैनिटेशन कोएलिशन एंड चेयर और रॉथ्सचाइल्ड एंड कंपनी इंडिया की अध्यक्ष नैना लाल किदवई से 'हेल्थ फॉर ऑल'...
The Green team is a grassroots organisation created and sustained by residents of the Sarvapriya Vihar. It has been recognised for its community action with waste...
ग्रीन टीम सर्वप्रिय विहार के निवासियों द्वारा बनाया गया एक जमीनी संगठन है. इसे कचरा प्रबंधन और कंपोस्टिंग के साथ अपनी सामुदायिक कार्रवाई के लिए मान्यता...
तेलंगाना के अमराबाद टाइगर रिजर्व में रहने वाला चेंचू आदिवासी समुदाय देश के बाकी हिस्सों के लिए जेंडर इक्वेलिटी और महिला सशक्तिकरण का उदाहरण स्थापित कर...
Every nation's growth depends on how much it invests in women's development. And so, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary...
On the occasion of World Environment Day which is marked on June 5 around the world, Dettol India launches the first Climate Resilient School in Uttarakhand....
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर, जो 5 जून को दुनिया भर में मनाया जाता है, डेटॉल इंडिया ने उत्तराखंड में पहला क्लाइमेट रेजिलिएंट स्कूल लॉन्च...
जलवायु संकट एक बाल अधिकार संकट है. यूनिसेफ के अनुसार, बच्चे गर्म हो रही दुनिया के सबसे बड़े शिकार हैं जिसने खराब स्वास्थ्य और एक अस्थिर...
The climate crisis is a child rights crisis. According to UNICEF, children are the greatest victims of a warming world which has created a trajectory of...
The health of human beings depends on the health of the planet we live on - this is an established fact. The concept of 'One Health'...
A mix of nostalgia, garnished with the memories of growing up in his hometown forms the essence of Poet and Storyteller Amandeep Singh's poem on #ClimateChange,...
How is Climate change affecting our world, life and love? Some of India's leading poets and storytellers, Priya Malik, Helly Shah and Amandeep Singh decide to...
Can love and life as we know it survive the onslaught of #ClimateChange? Poet and Storyteller, Helly Shah explores this thought in a special poem she...
Watch Priya Malik, a popular storyteller and poet, with a special poem she created to connect the younger generation with the cause, as part of an...
रोहन चक्रवर्ती ने पांच साल तक डेंटिस्ट बनने के लिए पढ़ाई की. लेकिन जिंदगी भर लोगों के मुंह में झांकने ख्याल से ये इरादा छोड़कर चित्रों,...
Cartoonist Rohan Chakravarty is making nature conservation, wildlife, sustainability and other environmental issues more accessible to people through his comics and illustrations. His series 'Green Humour'...
रेकिट अपनी पहल 'रीच एवरी चाइल्ड' के माध्यम से महाराष्ट्र और राजस्थान के जिलों में बच्चों में कुपोषण से लड़ने की दिशा में काम कर रही...
Reckitt is working towards fighting malnutrition in children in districts in Maharashtra and Rajasthan through its initiative, 'Reach Each Child'. Under the initiative, a new Nutrition...