There is a need for the reorientation of agri-food systems to not only enhance farmers' incomes but also ensure better access to safe and nutritious foods....
Why is handwashing crucial and how can hand hygiene be ensured as children go back to school amid the COVID-19 pandemic? On Global Handwashing Day, Arundati...
As COVID-19 cases continue to record a dip, schools in various parts of the country are reopening after a long hiatus. One thing that is crucial...
Our hands are both a pathway to germs and good health. It is your hands which touch anything and everything and therefore, they are likely to...
यूनिसेफ की लेटेस्ट रिपोर्ट का अनुमान है कि 2020 में 10-19 आयु वर्ग के 1.2 बिलियन किशोरों में से 13 प्रतिशत से अधिक मानसिक विकारों से...
कोरोना महामारी के कारण करीब एक साल तक घर से काम करने वाले कई सारे प्रोफेशनल वापस ऑफिस जाने को लेकर चिंतित हैं. फोर्टिस हेल्थकेयर में...
The United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as an intense physical and emotional response to thoughts and reminders...
The COVID induced pandemic has not only had physical impact on the health but also on one's emotional and mental well being. While therapy counseling is...
As we celebrate World Mental Health Day for the second time under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, NDTV speaks to Dr Amit Sen, Child and...