Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said the sub-health centres (SHCs) will be opened in the state in a phased manner and woman health workers will be posted...
World Health Assembly: WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warns of new COVID variants. He says, "The threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier...
According to the advisory, adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media face double the risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes,...
Addressing the World Health Assembly, the Union Health Minister proposed a Global Medical Countermeasures Platform with distributed manufacturing and R&D through regional networks and the Global...
Earlier on Tuesday, the country logged 405 new coronavirus infections and four fatalities, while the active cases have decreased to 7,104 from 7,623, according to the...
The three priories outlined for the Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) were arresting land degradation, promoting a circular economy and giving impetus to the...
The draft states that countries with more "capacities and resources" should bear a "commensurate degree" of responsibility for preparing for and responding to global health threats
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said that over two million deaths and USD 4.3 trillion in economic losses and that's the impact of a half-century of extreme...
The union minister said it is imperative for G20 countries to collectively address the interrelated matters of climate change and biodiversity loss through joint international efforts
According to the study, in "worst-case scenarios" of 4.4-degrees Celsius global warming, 50 per cent of the world's population could be exposed to unprecedented hot temperatures,...
Speaking at the U.N. agency's annual meeting, Professor Walid Ammar, chair of a committee reviewing the WHO's emergency response, said funding and staffing gaps were widening...
Under India's presidency, Srinagar is currently hosting the third G20 Working Group Meeting. The United Nations General Assembly at the initiative of India declared 2023 as...