New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held a virtual meeting with chief ministers to review the coronavirus situation in the country and talk about...
According to the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which bankrolled the development of Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, the cost per dose will be less than 10 USD...
Accoring to Union minister Harsh Vardhan, COVID-19 has emerged as one of the greatest global challenges, requiring a strategised, collective global response which has seen young...
As of November 24, more than 22,000 volunteers were vaccinated with the first dose and more than 19,000 volunteers with the first and the second dose...
The Prime Minister was speaking to the chief ministers over the deteriorating pandemic situation in their states at a virtual meeting held on November 24, 2020
According to World Meteorological Organization, there has been a slight decrease in the use of carbon, which is a slightly positive thing but more is required
Prime Minister Modi held a video conference with chief ministers of various states in which he discussed various methods for distribution and administering of the COVID-19...
Karnataka Health and Medical Education Minister Dr K Sudhakar said that the government has identified 29,451 session sites (vaccination sites) and 10,008 vaccinators as per the...
According to the standard operating procedure (SOP) issued by the Maharashtra government, passengers found COVID-19 positive shall be sent to Covid care Centre (CCC)
Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said stubble burning has contributed to escalation of COVID-19 cases in last 15 days as it has made Delhi's air more...
The Central government has asked states to do planning and mapping of vaccination sessions where healthcare workers will be vaccinated during the first phase and mapping...
According to State Health and Family Welfare Board official, Christmas and New Year celebrations are likely to be subdued due to the COVID-19 outbreak