Tamil Nadu has ramped up its testing after receiving criticism which has led to a spike in the number of positive cases, say the state authorities...
West BMC's Ward Officer and Assistant Municipal Commissioner Vishwas Mote has issued a notice according to which only 13 public Ganesh Utsav Mandals will be allowed...
Shakti Foundation, which has been working for nine years for the upliftment and empowerment of tribal women, took the initiative of helping sex workers amid COVID-19...
On Sunday (July 19), Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan launched 'Plasma Donation Campaign' in association with Delhi Police at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Swasth, a health consortium focusses on providing remote home isolation monitoring services to asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic COVID patients in Karnataka
While the medical community and the rest of the world have been scrambling for the past seven months to learn more about the novel coronavirus and...
Along with providing food, masks and hygiene material to over 3,500 people living in the slum areas and villages of Delhi-NCR, NGO Adharshila, with The Hans...
Union Health Ministry has asked some states to utilise the lockdown to focus on containment, surveillance and testing in the containment and buffer zones as the...
According to the data provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs, more than 11 lakh people are in quarantine in Uttar Pradesh, 7.27 lakh in Maharashtra,...
A look inside Indian Railways first post-COVID coach designed to provide safe journey to its passengers in the era of Coronavirus
In a letter to Chief Secretaries, Indian Council of Medical Research has also directed that testing data should be uploaded on the ICMR portal so that...
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in his address to the public that people should be constantly aware of the necessary steps to deal with COVID-19, such...