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Folk Music For A Swasth India: Significance of Handwashing

Dettol Banega Swasth India launches hygiene music album in Tamil. The song – Significance of Handwashing aims to teach people the method of washing hands properly.

Significance of Handwashing

This song has been translated from Tamil in English

Apply soap,
pour water
Wash your hands properly
stay away from countless illnesses

In clean, running water
Wet your hands
Apply little Dettol

Rub your hands properly for 20 Seconds
Clean and dry-wipe using a fresh towel
Now see, your hands have turned clean

Wash your hands clean
Drive away Pneumonia

Wash correctly
between your fingers
Rub both palms together
Rub your nails into your palms
This is the way to clean your hands
To stay healthy always

Wash your hands clean
Drive away Pneumonia

Rub your nails against each other
This is the way to clean your nails
First wash the left, then wash the right hand
This is the way to clean both hands
To stay healthy always

This is the way to protect
ourselves from COVID

Apply soap,
Pour water
Wash your hands properly
stay away from countless illnesse


To know about the launch of India ’s first music album on hygiene,
click here

Listen Now: Hygiene Music Album in Tamil on Spotify