The programme is annually celebrated in the month of September, with a different theme each year, primarily focusing on addressing malnutrition by ensuring convergence of various...
POSHAN Maah 2023 aims at fostering nutritional understanding across India through a theme centred on "Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat"
Dengue, being the most common vector-borne disease, spreads rapidly every year during the monsoon season, to know about its causes, symptoms, and preventions, NDTV-Dettol Banega Swasth...
'Yoga' in Sanskrit means to join or to unite, symbolising the union of body and consciousness. It is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual activity, now...
Cases of Dengue, Malaria, and Conjunctivitis are often reported during monsoon. This year, the national capital Delhi has reported an outbreak of Dengue and Conjunctivitis specifically...
On this Independence Day (August 15), the NDTV-Dettol Banega Swasth India campaign, one of India's longest-running public health initiatives, successfully wraps up season 9 with Campaign...
NDTV-Dettol Banega Swasth India spoke to Dr. Kamal B Kapur, eye specialist, Director and Co-Founder of Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals, about how one gets Conjunctivitis, commonly...