The NGT observed that considering the health of the citizens of the national capital, the authorities concerned are expected to take the best possible measures to...
The health of humans around the world is "at the mercy of fossil fuels", highlights the annual Lancet Countdown report
The global average concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), considered the most critical greenhouse gas, were a staggering 50 per cent above the pre-industrial era (1850-1900) in...
बेंगलुरु के होसुर सरजापुर रोड कॉलोनी स्थित स्वच्छाग्रह कालिका केंद्र एक थीम पार्क के रूप में सिखा रहा है सुंदर ढंग से कचरे का प्रबंधन करना
Nestled in the heart of Bengaluru's Hosur Sarjapur Road colony, SwachaGraha Kalika Kendra is India’s first-of-a-kind learning centre in the form of a theme park, to...
The latest edition of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change has revealed the grave and mounting threat to health of further delayed action on...
According to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut by 43 per cent by 2030, compared to the...
Union Health Ministry advised school authorities, heads, teachers as well as parents to develop mechanisms to create awareness and motivate students to adopt better practices to...
Paddy straw burning in Punjab and Haryana is considered one of the reasons behind the alarming spike in air pollution levels in the national capital
The Supreme Court had directed Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan to ensure crop residue burning was stopped forthwith
New initiatives including cleaning roads with water, sprinkling water on construction sites and fogging guns, are being taken by the corporation to curb pollution
S4S Technologies, founded in 2013 by six university friends Nidhi Pant, Vaibhav Tidke, Swapnil Kokte, Ganesh Bhere, Shital Somani, Tushar Gaware and Ashwin Pawade, was named...