As per the pact, UNEP and the Government of Tamil Nadu will cooperate on a range of issues, including sustainable cooling, plastic waste management, and environmental...
The bill exempts certain types of land from the provisions of the Act such as forest land along a rail line or a public road maintained...
Indian Presidency will publish the fifth report on actions against marine plastic litter under the G20 Framework for Marine Plastic Litter, in collaboration with Japan on...
The campaign has received overwhelming participation from people, including the common masses and government employees, in the drive
CM Kejriwal cautioned that if we sit idle and are satisfied with the 23 per cent green cover, it will reduce to 21 per cent and...
The union minister said that another challenge is that the reserves of lithium are limited and the bulk of the reserves are tied up by just...
World Economic Forum and partners have committed to deploying 550 electric trucks on the west coast of Gujarat and Maharashtra within the next 18-24 months
World Economic Forum and partners have committed to deploying 550 electric trucks on the west coast of Gujarat and Maharashtra within the next 18-24 months
Delhi floods can have medium- and long-term health impacts, including water- and vector-borne diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, or malaria
स्वास्थ्य के लिहाज से दिल्ली की बाढ़ के मध्यम और दीर्घकालिक असर देखे जा सकते हैं, इनमें हैजा, टायफाइड या मलेरिया जैसी जल और वेक्टर जनित...
The district administration has set up 11 relief camps and 5 relief distribution centres and around 1100 people have taken shelter in the relief camps
1856 में अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक और महिला अधिकार एक्टिविस्ट यूनिस न्यूटन फूटे पहली ऐसी विशेषज्ञ बनी थीं, जिन्होंने ग्रीनहाउस इफेक्ट खोजा था और पृथ्वी के क्लाइमेट में...