The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) said the number of cases recorded in September was the "highest" in the last four years. The civic body, however,...
एक स्टडी के मुताबिक, दुनिया भर में हर पांच में से एक से ज्यादा - करीब 150 मिलियन यानी 15 करोड़ बच्चों को 2022 में सामान्य...
डॉ. ईशी खोसला ने एक हेल्दी लाइफ स्टाइल हासिल करने के लिए आंत को स्वस्थ यानी हेल्दी रखने पर जोर दिया, खासकर महिलाओं और बच्चों के...
Union Minister Jitendra Singh said India has moved from a sectoral and segmented approach to health service delivery to a comprehensive need-based healthcare service and is...
‘Arogya Manthan’, a two-day event, is being organised to celebrate five years of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY) and two years of...
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease increased to 4,44,65,966 and the national recovery rate stood at 98.81 per cent
By automating routine tasks and providing decision support, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to free up physicians’ time for more complex and higher-value activities
32,717 workers are employed across Tamil Nadu for conducting precautionary measures to curb Dengue and Malaria
Although protocols have been developed to assess patients' risk, diagnostic and prognostic tools primarily rely on expensive and less accessible imaging methods, such as radiography, ultrasound,...
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease has increased to 4,44,65,901 and the national recovery rate stands at 98.81 per cent, according to...
The three components of the Ayushman Bhav campaign -- Ayushman Apke Dwar 3.0, Ayushman Melas at Health and Wellness Centres and Community Health Clinics, and Ayushman...
Universal Health Coverage stands necessary as COVID-19 demonstrated that the health and well-being of all people is the foundation of prosperous, equitable and sustainable societies and...