According to WHO, the main reason behind the outbreak of SARS in 2002 were chains of human-to-human transmission
India saw a swine flu outbreak in 2015 that claimed almost 3000 lives, which according to health researchers at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, was due...
The last pandemic to transit to post-pandemic stage was H1N1 or swine flu in 2010, here’s all you need to know about how a pandemic disease...
Aerosols are tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the air that reduce visibility and can damage the human lungs and heart
As almost all countries across the world have imposed lockdown, the people are indoors which has resulted in a drop in air pollution and many wild...
According to experts, since the lockdown was imposed the air quality across the country has shown drastic improvement due to eradication of local pollutants generated due...
According to an official at Indian Meteorological Department, that the pollution levels have plummeted due to reduction in vehicular traffic, shutdown of industries due to lockdown...