Women may prefer PrEP that is delivered in a different way — for example, via injection or implant, or vaginally — as well as medication that...
Globally, there were 39 million people living with AIDS in 2022, including 1.3 million who were newly infected. Almost 30 million of them are getting treatment,...
The team, including researchers from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany, used a new model to estimate all cause and cause-specific deaths due to fossil fuel-related...
The children who do not have any immunity if they get exposed to H9N2, which is quite a contagious virus that is spreading and added to...
China is reporting a large number of respiratory infections, particularly among children, and hospital wards are reportedly running full
Union Health Secretary has also written a letter to States and UTs advising them to immediately review public health and hospital preparedness measures
An official at the India Meteorological Department said a slight increase in wind speed and light rainfall may bring marginal relief during the day
The Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs), now renamed as 'Ayushman Arogya Mandir' have been created to deliver comprehensive primary health care that is universal and free...
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease increased to 4,44,68,217 and the national recovery rate stood at 98.81 per cent, according to the...
Poor nutrition plays a dual role in both the likelihood of acquiring Type 2 diabetes and the impact on mental health, including anxiety and sadness, according...
The transmission of dengue is closely associated with three key factors — rainfall, humidity and temperature
There is a a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms for those who did yoga compared to people who did not