The animated Google Doodle features the characters G-O-O-G-L-E that are shown to develop legs, wear masks and observe social distancing the key preventive measures against COVID-19
According to Delhi Pollution Control Committee, the presence of ‘dhobi ghats’, directly release of sewage containing phosphate detergents, industrial effluent and the turbulence caused near the...
According to the health ministry, about 11 per cent mortality was seen in patients with 26 to 44 years of age and only one per cent...
Health Secretary, Rajesh Bhushan at a media briefing informed that the COVID-19 case fatality rate in India has declined to 2.10 per cent, the lowest since...
On Monday, centre issued guidelines for gyms and yoga institutes to reopen from August 5, the centre said that the yoga or gym floor should have...
To control the spread of Coronavirus pandemic, WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reiterated that there are no other preventive mechanism other than to test,...
In Jammu and Kashmir, COVID-19 patients with mild or moderate symptoms will first be admitted in category 2 or 3 hospitals with basic amenities and will...
According to experts, a mother who tests COVID-19 positive must continue breastfeeding because the antibodies produced by her immune system will also be secreted in breastmilk...
On Tuesday (August 4), Union Home Secretary, Ajay Kumar Bhalla chaired a high-level meeting to review the management of COVID-19 pandemic in Jammu and Kashmir and...
The move came after the Central government realised that there was no Indian standard for ventilators as in March 2020, these life-saving devices were not fully...
As on August 4, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has reported over two crore COVID-19 tests, out of which 26.5 lakh tests are antigen...
According to WHO, along with increasing COVID-19 testing, governments in India need to constantly monitor the availability of beds, quarantine facilities, ICUs and oxygen supplies in...