Ramveer Tanwar, popularly referred to as the Pondman of India for his extensive work towards reviving dead water bodies and creating urban forests. Prime Minister Narendra...
Joydip Kundu and his wife Suchandra, dedicated conservationists and founders of SHER Foundation, along with the Forest Department, are distributing LPG cylinders among fishermen in an...
जादव मोलाई पायेंग, जिन्हें भारत का वन पुरुष भी कहा जाता है, ने ब्रह्मपुत्र पर 550 एकड़ बंजर भूमि को बस पेड़ लगाकर हरे-भरे जंगल में...
Jadav Molai Payeng, also called the Forest Man of India has turned 550 acres of barren land into a lush green forest on the Brahmaputra with...
Here is a story from Assam, on what is the impact of cutting trees on the land, animals, and the people who live there
Meet Vijay Dhasmana who spearheaded the transformation of a 380-acre abandoned mining site at the edge of Gurgaon into a city forest called the Aravalli Biodiversity...
Meet Kriti Tula, an apparel designer and the founder of India’s first global, sustainable and affordable fashion brand, Doodlage