In the year 2023, India saw most cases of extreme weather events according to a new report by Down to Earth and Centre for Science and...
डाउन टू अर्थ और सेंटर फॉर साइंस एंड एनवायरनमेंट की एक नई रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, साल 2023 में, भारत के मौसम में भारी उतार चढ़ाव के...
At the annual UN climate talks (COP28), which is being held in Dubai currently, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav emphasised on the need for countries to establish...
'The Archies' की स्टारकास्ट के साथ हमने इस बारे में बातचीत की है कि कैसे हम मिलकर एक स्वस्थ भारत का निर्माण कर सकते हैं और...
In conversation with the star cast of ‘The Archies’ on how together we can build a Swasth India and the role youth can play
Even achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century won't prevent surpassing these critical thresholds, says Manjana Milkoreit
India has utilised about 50 per cent of the funds allocated for development and deployment of renewable energy in the first ten months of the year
Thiruvananthapuram International Airport continues to set the benchmark for environmental excellence in the aviation industry, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future
Varsha started her Akruthi Eco-Friendly Enterprises using the fibre of banana stems to manufacture mats, mobile stands, pen stands, hats and fridge covers
The idea was to "go paperless" as much as possible during the conclave and give out a message about "aligning our goals" towards sustainability
The scientists have reported 2-3 major reasons for pollution including vehicular pollution that contributes to 36per cent and biomass burning
The plants capture more carbon on weekends when industrial production is reduced and fewer people commute