The special campaign is initiated by the Punjab Government to boost participation in the Ayushman Bharat Mukh Mantri Sehat Bima Yojana
The primary insured member must be a student studying in colleges, institutions, universities which are affiliated, associated, administered, categorised under the Higher and Technical Education department...
In a written reply to a question, Union Minister of State for Health S P Singh Baghel said women account for approximately 49 per cent of...
मेघना नारायणन का प्रोजेक्ट 'अभय' फाइनेंशियल बोझ, बीमा कवरेज की कमी, अभूतपूर्व घटनाओं के कारण मौद्रिक प्रभाव, और घरेलू कामगारों और गरीबी रेखा से नीचे के...
Meghana Narayanan’s project ‘Abhaya’ covers issues related to financial burden, lack of insurance coverage, monetary implications due to unprecedented events, and lack of awareness about government...