As leaders gather at the United Nations General Assembly to forge recovery from this pandemic, they have the opportunity and duty to simultaneously tackle the deadly...
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that nations need to massively expand new and existing tools that can respond to new COVID-19 cases and provide vital...
The researchers found that all fully recovered individuals had measurable antibody, helper and killer T cell responses against the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
According to Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, there are chances that a vaccine against COVID-19 could come in the country early next year but till then...
With an aim to address malnutrition among children and to encourage consumption of a variety of vegetables and fruits among families in rural areas, the district...
The Indian Council of Medical Research's remarks come amid suspected cases of COVID-19 reinfection being reported from states like Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra and even...
The Delhi Government has allowed gyms and yoga institutes to reopen in the national capital (except in containment zones), subject to strict compliance with the standard...
According to researchers, heparan sulphate, a kind of carbohydrate found on the outer surfaces of the cells that line the lungs, facilitates COVID-19 infection
According to experts, a protein-rich diet can help repair the damaged body tissues and muscle loss due to the COVID-19 infection
The new interim guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on dead body management during COVID-19 eases restrictions on attending the funeral of a near and...
As per a new study, published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, COVID-19 will likely become seasonal in countries with temperate climates, but only when...
In a statement, the UNICEF said the participants agreed to leverage the respect, command, reach and influence of faith leaders and the Urdu media to reinforce...