In a status report filed in the matter, the Delhi government requested that the personal appearance of the official be dispensed with and a time period...
Yoga promotes neuroplasticity and has neuroprotective effects in preventing memory defects and mild cognitive impairment and dementia
As a part of the prison reform initiatives, the jails in Odisha are focusing on the mental health of the inmates to tackle growing anxiety and...
The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, divided participants into either a waitlisted control group or an exercise group who were given free access to a suite...
Union Minister Pravin asserted that it is critical to remove the stigma that prevents individuals from seeking help, adding that it affects people cutting across age,...
The study stated that giving schools the necessary resources and training to teach students about mental health can have a significant impact on young people's well-being
According to the advisory, adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social media face double the risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes,...
During a recent interview, Dwayne Johnson, the former professional wrestler, said "I just didn’t know what mental health was, I didn't know what depression was"
Researchers from the University of South Australia said that exercise interventions that were 12 weeks or shorter were most effective at reducing mental health symptoms
The public can access the Tele MANAS helpline by dialling a toll-free number or shortcode, this call will be IVRS-based audio calling with a timely auto-call-back...
Manasthali, a mental health and wellness platform, has launched a mental well-being initiative to support such women as the need for such avenues has seen a...
The use of technology such as telehealth will help drive access to people who do not have access to doctors or healthcare professionals or those that...