To begin season 8 and discuss the key focus areas, 12-hour Swasth Bharat, Sampann Bharat Telethon was organised with a focus on the inter-dependency of humans...
At the Banega Swasth India 12-hour telethon experts discussed on the importance of 'One Planet, One Planet, One Health and One Future - Leaving No One...
The Vice President lauded the ‘Banega Swasth India’ campaign and said that it is a very timely and important initiative that seeks to improve public awareness...
Campaign Ambassador talks about the learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of 'leaving no one behind on NDTV Banega Swasth India 12-hour #SwasthyaMantra telethon...
अभियान के सीजन 8 का उद्देश्य 'वन हेल्थ, वन प्लैनेट, वन फ्यूचर - लीविंग नो वन बिहाइंड' (One Health, One Planet, One Future – Leaving No...
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that for one person to be healthy, everybody needs to be healthy. Either we are all healthy, or we...
In the eighth year of the Banega Swasth India campaign, the focus is on the inter-dependency of humans and the environment, and of humans on one...
The eighth season of the Banega Swasth India initiative stresses on the need to take care of, and consider everyone's health in India especially vulnerable communities....
The environment is one of the key pillars of the Banega Swasth India campaign. In season 8, the aim is to highlight the interdependence of humans...
'बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया' का आठवां सीजन लॉन्च होने जा रहा है. उसको लेकर जोर-शोर से तैयारियां जारी हैं. बनेगा स्वस्थ इंडिया की रिहर्सल और उसकी तैयारियों...
In season 8, NDTV-Dettol's campaign aims to focus on One Health, One Planet, One Future – Leaving No One Behind
As we gear up to launch season 8 of BSI, here is a glimpse of rehearsals for it. Watch LIVE the 12-Hour telethon with Amitabh Bachchan...