The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, aimed to help identify any intermediate animal vector that may have played a role in transmitting a bat...
Dr Balram Bhargava, Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research said that while the pregnant women can be inoculated against COVID-19, vaccinating children is still not allowed
Rapid scale-up of COVID-19 vaccination efforts, says the study, could play an important role in mitigating the present and future waves of the disease
ICMR Director General Balram Bhargava said reduction of neutralisation capabilities of vaccine with different variants shows that Covaxin does not change with the Alpha variant at...
The study by Oxford University researchers, published in the journal Cell, investigated the ability of antibodies in the blood from people, who were vaccinated with the...
According to US-based epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, Delta variant continues to spread quickly in the world and threatens the fight against COVID-19
According to experts, it is likely that many COVID-19 patients, especially those reporting or exhibiting neurological problems or those who are hospitalised, have neuroinflammatory markers that...
The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed the healthcare system of the country, leaving hospitals struggling to cope with the surge in cases and critical...
India's COVID-19 crisis has exposed a wide digital divide, prompting many grassroots groups to focus on connecting poorer women without internet access to healthcare and financial...
People's participation and awareness towards vaccines is essential to eradicate the fear of vaccination so that they can come forward and get themselves inoculated against COVID-19,...
According to experts, breathing techniques and 'mudras' strengthen the immune system, maintain the metabolism of the body, cure digestive problems and can help in post COVID...
Here is how the Bollywood celebrities are celebrating International Yoga Day 2021