Chairing a meeting with the officials of the health department on Thursday, Himachal CM instructed them to initiate the Health Information Management System (HIMS) project in...
वॉरियर मॉम्स अपने बच्चों के लिए स्वच्छ हवा के लिए लड़ने वाली माताओं का एक समूह है, जो अब एक अखिल भारतीय आंदोलन में बदल गया...
Warrior Moms is a collective of mothers, fighting for clean air for their children, which has now turned into a Pan-India movement having more than 1,400...
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Raghavan Varadarajan, Professor at the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU), IISc, and collaborators have been working on developing a heat-tolerant...
The number of daily cases had dropped to double-digits till December 5, 2023 but cases began to increase after emergence of a new variant and cold...
The AYUSH Ministry's collaboration with the WHO will lead to global uniformity in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicines as a code for defining diseases
The number of daily cases had dropped to double-digits till December 5, 2023 but cases began to increase after emergence of a new variant and cold...
The researchers at University Hospital Cologne have now identified an alternative treatment strategy for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
From haze shrouding Southeast Asia for decades to Delhi's recent acrid smog, a toxic tide of air pollution is choking cities worldwide
Millions of people living in cities in South and Southeast Asia face the threat of dying prematurely due to air pollution, the study said
The death toll was recorded over 5.33 lakh (5,33,396) with four new deaths — two from Kerala and one each in Karnataka and Tripura — reported...
The study conducted by the Indian Medical Association's Goa unit claimed that doctors are at a greater risk of dying by suicide compared to the general...