Team Banega Swasth India speaks with Nutritionist Tapasya Mundhra to talk about the rising issue of obesity in the country and how can we tackle it
ग्लोबल न्यूट्रिशन लीडरशिप अवार्ड से सम्मानित बसंत कुमार कर कहते हैं कि जनजातीय खाद्य प्रणाली शुष्क भूमि कृषि, वन, सामान्य संपत्ति, जल संसाधन और जैव विविधता...
As India marks Poshan Maan 2021, NDTV speaks with experts to know about the causes and remedies to tackle - rising obesity among people and children...
Prevailing social norms, such as early marriage, teenage pregnancies, unsafe abortions compromise nutritional and health status amongst young girls and also their infants, writes Poonam Muttreja
Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced the fortification of rice provided under all government schemes by 2024. But can it help address micronutrient deficiency in any...
The tribal food system is dependent on dryland agriculture, forests, common property, water resources, and biodiversity, says Basanta Kumar Kar, recipient of the Global Nutrition Leadership...
हैदराबाद के रहने वाले 27 वर्षीय मल्लेश्वर राव ने 2011 में "खाना बर्बाद न करें" पहल शुरू की, जिसके तहत उन्होंने कई स्वयंसेवकों की मदद से...
In a Facebook live session with NDTV-Dettol Banega Swasth India, Dipa Sinha, Assistant Professor, Ambedkar University Delhi answers common questions on nutrition and discusses why India...
बच्चों और स्तनपान कराने वाली महिलाओं की पोषण स्थिति में सुधार के लिए प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा पोषण अभियान शुरू किया गया था
Hundreds of millions of people were already suffering from hunger and malnutrition before the virus hit, COVID-19 pandemic is deepening nutrition crisis. Dr Shweta Khandelwal recommends...
In order to ensure community mobilisation and bolster people’s participation in tackling malnutrition in the country, every year, September month is celebrated as POSHAN Maah
Poshan Abhiyan was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to improve the nutritional status of children and lactating women