Dr Julian W Tang of the University of Leicester on Omicron variant, what we know and don't know so far
Vineeta Bal, immunologist recommends fully vaccinating all those eligible in the country first, before going for booster doses, as still a large proportion of India's population...
Scientists race to understand the full consequences of Omicron, some are also asking whether this new version of coronavirus might cause milder illness than its predecessor
According to doctors, while most cases of Omicron variant of coronavirus have been in people who have recently come from abroad, the mutated virus was already...
Professor Lawrence Young, Virologist at Britain's Warwick University talks about the Omicron variant and its effects on children
Union Health Ministry has answered some of the FAQs on Omicron, the new COVID-19 variant
Dr Dhiren, Deputy Director, Paediatric Pulmonary Medicine and Intensive care, Gangaram Hospital emphasised the need of following COVID Appropriate Behaviour amid the emergence of Omicron variant
Two cases of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron have been detected in India’s Karnataka, both the patients are showing mild symptoms
A laboratory in South Africa sequenced the genes on eight coronavirus samples, which led to the discovery of the Omicron variant.
All passengers from at-risk countries have to undego mandatory 7-day institutional quarantine, in order to restrict the transmission of Omnicron variant of coronavirus, said Maharashtra government
Adrian Puren, acting executive director of South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) said scientists should know within four weeks to what extent Omicron can...
Omicron accounted for 74 per cent of the 249 virus genomes sequenced in South Africa in November, according to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD),...