महिलाओं और बच्चों में एनीमिया, कुपोषण और संक्रामक रोगों के प्रसार को कम करने के मकसद से, रेकिट और प्लान इंडिया ने सेल्फ-केयर प्रोग्राम के तहत...
A kit was released during the Banega Swasth India season 10 launch under the Self-Care Programme by Reckitt and PLAN India, with the aim to reduce...
The number of people who have recuperated from the disease has increased to 4,44,66,307 and the national recovery rate stands at 98.81 per cent, according to...
Isolation and surveillance of all those who came in contact with the patients helped in reducing the severity of the outbreak
केंद्र ने राज्यों को सभी जरूरी संसाधन उपलब्ध कराए हैं, जिसमें स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों को प्रशिक्षित करने से लेकर प्रोग्राम इंप्लीमेंटेशन प्लान (PIP) के तहत सर्विलेंस, केस...
The centre has provided all necessary resources to the states, from training the healthcare workers to providing adequate funds to the states under the Programme Implementation...
The core objective of the Sewa Pakhwada is to extend comprehensive healthcare coverage to every village and town, transcending geographical barriers and ensuring that no one...
According to the official statement, the Union Health Minister directed the officials to be fully prepared against the rising cases of dengue, and strengthen prevention, containment...
A senior official of the West Bengal health department said that the dengue situation in Bengal is "absolutely under control" and the government has taken all...
Periodic observation of flooded areas and stormwater drains using GIS could help tracing hotspots prone to vector-borne diseases during the monsoon, the experts said
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Ayushman Bharat PMJAY five years ago with the vision of creating an ‘Ayushman Bharat’ where every citizen is not only healthy...
The National Human Rights Commission in a statement said on Tuesday said it has recommended authorities to set up old age homes for transgender persons and...