According to Vaccinologist Gagandeep Kang, there could be one or two more peaks of coronavirus cases but they may not be as bad as the current...
A phase three is inevitable, given the higher levels of circulating virus but it is not clear on what time scale this phase three will occur,...
A new study has provided evidence that breakthrough infection, in which a vaccinated individual becomes sick from the same illness that the vaccine is meant to...
Professor Benedetta Allegranzi, Technical Lead, Infection prevention and control (IPC) department, WHO answers some common questions around hand hygiene and how clean hands can save lives
According to the World Health Organisation, maintaining hand hygiene is one of the effective ways in preventing diseases like COVID-19, common cold, diarrhoea among others
Dr Roderico Ofrin, WHO's India Representative believes ‘the scale of the surge and scale of the response’ is the difference between countries like the US and...
May 5 is celebrated as World Hand Hygiene Day with an aim to promote the need for proper handwashing to health workers around the world and...
According to Dr Sushma Malik of BYL Nair Hospital, COVID-19 infection is not congenital and so even if the mother is infected with coronavirus, the baby...
The study measured the impact of routine deworming medicine during antenatal care on subsequent neonatal mortality and low birth weight for births between 1998 and 2018...
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that Delhi has been undergoing a very difficult time because of the second wave of COVID-19 and urged all political parties...
In many COVID-19 cases, patients require high oxygen flow which can only be provided at hospitals and not through concentrators or cylinder and by the time...
The unmet need for family planning services is already high and disruptions to health services will have far-reaching consequences for the health of women, write Poonam...