'The State of the World's Children 2019’ a report by UNICEF states that every second child below the age of five in India is affected by...
As part of the initiative the 'Food Safety Mitra' would undergo training and certification by FSSAI to do their work and get paid by food businesses...
According to experts, achieving zero hunger is not only about addressing hunger but also nourishing people while nurturing the planet
Consuming foods that are packed with nutrients and keeping a balance in quantity of consumption is certainly a key to healthy diet, says Padma Shri awardee...
The Global Hunger Index report 2019 ranks India at 102 out of 117 countries and states that it has the highest wasting rate of any country...
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare released the result of the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey, conducted during 2016-18 in 30 states and Union Territories with...
The Women and Child Development Ministry (MWCD) is pushing for agri-nutrition to increase efforts for better agricultural practices for nutritional crops in order to encourage diet...
Anaemia can be temporary or long term and it can range from mild to severe, but the condition can be controlled by making simple changes in...
The first 1,000 days in a child's life determine their health through their lifetime and thus adequate nutrition and healthcare play a significant role during this...
The nutrition surveillance system carries out real-time monitoring based on the assessment of nutritional problems and analysis of causes or consequences, and it takes action to...
स्तनपान शिशुओं के लिए सबसे सुरक्षित, स्वास्थ्यप्रद भोजन है, जो कि पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होता है और यह बच्चे को इंफेक्शन और कई बीमारियों से...
A nursing mom should add these healthy superfoods to her diet for essential nutrients that she and her baby need