The celebrities including UN Environment's Goodwill Ambassador Dia Mirza and Arjun Kapoor took to social media to create awareness about World Earth Day 2019
On the occasion of World Earth Day, waste pickers from Safai Sena, is creating awareness about waste and waste handling at New Delhi Railway Station, platform...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with other politicians and ministers took to social media to spread awareness on World Earth Day
A study conducted by IIT Delhi shows that air pollution in India can reach within the limits prescribed by National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) by...
A joint study by Assocham and Ernst & Young titled, ‘The big 'W' impact: effective urban waste management solutions in India’, suggests that there is a...
The Indian Institute of Technology-Mandi hosted an International Workshop on Climate Change and Extreme Events in the Indian Himalayan Region aimed at creating awareness about the...
Dia Mirza recently teamed up with the volunteers of Healing Himalaya Foundation for a cleanup drive and the team collected about 120 sacks full of plastic...
The first waste management park at NEERI opened its gate on April 8 to educate and aware individuals about waste
People living in Semkhor village of Assam have been struggling to access safe water for decades resulting in them having to walk for over a kilometre...
Keeping in-line with India’s commitment to eliminate all single-use plastic products by 2022, Goa has finalised a blanket ban on the single-use plastics in the state,...
The IIT estimate shows rapid depletion of usable ground water storage in Assam, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal
In a bid to reduce waste load on already dying landfills, SDMC introduced waste segregation at source and composting and ending up generating a tonne of...