A new study has found that streams altered by human activity are at a higher risk of flooding
PM Modi said he had encouraged sustainable lifestyle at the COP 26 summit in Glasgow last year along with the promise to become a net zero...
With an aim to celebrate beautiful varied forms of wild flare and fauna and raise awareness to conserve them, World Wildlife Day is observed on March...
The IPCC report has cautioned that not eliminating emissions will cause serious harm to the world, especially South Asia
"In India, rice production can decrease from 10 per cent to 30 per cent, whereas maize production can decrease from 25 per cent to 70 per...
Wildfires are becoming more intense and more frequent, ravaging communities and ecosystems in their path, says UNEP in its report
PM Modi introduced the "P3 (Pro-Planet People) movement" that underlines India's climate change commitments at World Economic Forum's (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022
During the Covid lockdown, the air looked much cleaner, but that allowed more sunshine to get through, creating conditions for ozone (O3), a pollutant, to increase...
Actor and Fitness Enthusiast Milind Soman talks about what motivates him to stay fit and promote a sustainable lifestyle
According to new research, the number of microbial enzymes with the ability to degrade plastic is growing, in correlation with local levels of plastic pollution
The researchers found that the Himalayan glaciers have lost ice ten times more quickly over the last few decades than on average since the last major...
China has already made a pledge to start reducing coal consumption, but will do so only after 2025, giving developers considerable leeway to raise generation capacity...