Through a meme featuring Professor Albus Dumbledore and Professor Severus Snape from Harry Potter series, Delhi Police urges people to mask up amid a rise in...
A massive fire broke out at the Bhalswa landfill site on Tuesday evening and several videos showed the blaze churning out dense plumes of smoke and...
Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain attributed the low COVID-19 hospitalisation rate to vaccination and naturally acquired immunity
Delhi’s R-value which indicates the spread of the infection was recorded at 1.68 implying that every infected person can pass on the infection to 1.68 (almost...
The hospitalisation rate in Delhi, has so far been low, accounting for less than 3 per cent of the total active cases, according to official data
Delhi government has assured people that despite the rise in cases, the hospitalisation rate has remained low
In March, the Wetland Authority of Delhi had received a request from land-owning agencies to delete 258 "extinct" water bodies from the official list of 1,043...
Covid-19 mask mandate is back in New Delhi as the pandemic situation is slowly deteriorating in the national capital
Delhi government issued Standard Operating Procedure today to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools
Amid the rise in COVID-19 cases in the national capital, Delhi government announced free COVID precautionary doses at all government COVID vaccination centres
In view of a spike in coronavirus cases in the national capital Delhi, wearing masks in public places has been made mandatory again, and will draw...
The daily cases in Delhi have been on the rise in the last few days while the positivity rate here has been registered in excess of...