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Highlights: 12-Hour Banega Swachh India Cleanathon

Banega Swachh India in its third year aims to get the entire nation to come together once again this on October 2, as we observe this Gandhi Jayanti as the Rashtriya Swachhta Diwas with a 12-Hour Cleanathon. A day where we urge all Indians to take up swachhta as their personal responsibility and join our movement. The agenda of the campaign this year is to motivate the masses to clean up India with special focus on 10 iconic locations of India.
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  1. Preeti

    October 2, 2016 at 6:25 am

    The people of India need to change their attitude towards their surroundings. Cleanliness should be a way of life.. Because what’s the point when there are many who are cleaning but even more who are littering and spitting around carelessly.

  2. snehlata rani

    October 2, 2016 at 6:38 am

    when we sell old paper ,we find money instead of that paper which is further goes to recycle.in the same way home waste is also goes into recycling, if money is given for home waste like paper then may be it will work.there is some benefits for this:
    1)recycling unit will be establish for which worker will need.
    2)Perhaps people will not throw waste on road because they shall be found profit on that waste.

    • G

      November 29, 2016 at 7:32 pm

      I think this is a very good idea. I also read how we can generate energy (low cost) from waste. We will need to privatize the generation of energy from waste so that these companies will pay money to get waste from homes and every where. Otherwise how are we going to generate the money to “buy” waste? But again, this idea is very good.

  3. Jaya

    October 2, 2016 at 6:59 am

    There is a lot of news about making toilets in rural areas. But there is no information about how the sewage is going to be handled. Does each toilet have a septic tank? If so, who will clean the septic tank after a year or two? If not, are they letting the sewage out untreated, then it is much worse than open defecation since a concentrated dose of sewage is entering the ecosystem.

  4. Raul

    October 2, 2016 at 7:50 am

    With ref to live cleanathon… Almost everybody talked about building more and more toilets!…..encouraging people!…..educating people….changing attitude culture so and so forth….BUT nobody ever talked about the real reason why the ones that are already built are not being used!!….they are blaming the culture and givin all other stupid reasons…the real reason is LACK OF ADEQUATE WATER !! When there is not enough water for drinking leave alone water for bathing and washing or for using to flush the these fancy toilets!!…which typically require much water than going out on the field ! It’s simple economics of water saving rather than some cultural mindset….or some other reason like they consider toilets near their house as impure… come on!!…People don’t do “Disha maidan” to have fresh air flowing over their asses as they crap!!! So, if there is no water there will be no way to stop OD!!! We have to make water available before we construct toilets!!

  5. Amit Singh

    October 2, 2016 at 9:13 am

    I really appreciate the efforts. But with due respect wanted to point out that we are still missing sustainability of such initiatives. Unless we address these, nothing is going to improve.


    October 2, 2016 at 9:35 am

    Clean India.
    Green India.
    It’s my India.
    It’s our India.
    Let’s all swear,
    to make it.
    Clean India.
    Green India.
    It’s my face.
    It’s our face.
    Let’s keep it,
    fresh and clean.
    Clean India.
    Green India.
    I am healthy,
    we are healthy,
    Let’s make India,
    a healthy nation.
    Clean India.
    Green India.
    I do it at my own.
    We do it at our own.
    Let’s all not to shy,
    to broom the dirt.
    Clean India.
    Green India.
    We praised others.
    Let others to praise us.
    Let their heart say,
    with natural smile.
    Clean India.
    Green India.

    Ashok Havaldar

  7. Pallavi Prahallad

    October 2, 2016 at 12:05 pm

    The requirement of public toilets is of utmost importance. But the maintenance of existence of public toilets too is needed. A public toilet requires good sanitation and water system. The government should ensure that there is water stored in these toilets.

  8. Manish Majgaonkar

    October 2, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    Completely agree with what Amit Sir said keeping more dustbin is not the only solution but people should cooperate for maintaining cleanliness.
    Singapore and Switzerland both are beautiful and clean countries. The only difference between these two countries is, in Singapore you are forced to keep it clean with heavy penalties and fine for littering. But here in Switzerland people do not litter as their normal habbit and everybody feels proud to keep their city, town and country clean. I am sure we will start doing the same in India too 🙂

    Manish Majgaonkar

    • sridhar moudkuri

      October 2, 2016 at 1:32 pm

      Good work, a small suggestion ban eating of pan in govt offices and with officials.


    October 2, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    It is great effort by NDTV . Charity begins at home . Unless citizens of this country are educated about cleanliness, It is difficult to sustain. As Amithabji & Prasoonji rightly suggested to the Hon. Minister that healthy civic sense should be part of curriculum from basic schooling days .
    Another important thing govt. need to do is ban sale of tobacco , pans, Gutkas etc .

  10. Chebolu Krishnamurthy

    October 2, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    Good initiative by NDTV 12-Hour Banega Swachh India Cleanathon campaign. ‘If we observe obeisance to God or deity with purity of heart inside the temples or places of worship which are neat. We should extend the same maintaining the premises outside temples etc. and our surroundings too neat and clean. Well said Amitabh ji. Also you did mention: Lot’s of planning and years of hard work has gone into the construction of these temples of worship and monuments. People should be sensitized towards cleanliness and hygiene. They should take a proactive part in keeping their surrounding neat and clean. People who are residing in the city can contribute to preserve the cultural heritage of these places of worship, monuments etc. which they can be proud of and claim to have in their city. Apart from citizens taking a proactive role, as mentioned in the program I too feel corporate, NGO’s can step forward for proper maintenance of these toilets (‘Swachhalay’ a very good substitute for hind word for toilet ‘Souchalay’ ). Now its wonderful to see that the Swachha Bharat Abiyaan initiative that our Hon. PM Modi started couple of years back gaining ground and momentum with each year. It has raised the awareness of cleanliness , hygiene and sanitation among school children too and people throughout India.
    Further, I would like to add the importance of using advanced methods of solid waste management and waste water treatment etc. Get expertise form Scientists, Engineers, Environmental activists. If necessary get some knowledge transfer of methods used, latest techniques and procedures used abroad, from and other developed nations like the U.S. Use proper equipment necessary for the purpose. Glad to hear that more effluent treatment plants are commissioned, coming up near some places of worship, monuments etc. Also corruption is a major issue and the elected representatives of municipal corporations, MPs, MLAs etc. should utilize the available funds properly and provide adequate facilities to public. Of course citizens can contribute their bit by proactive participation.

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